
Sunday, July 11, 2010


Well. I made it. I did exactly what I said I would do. For a little over twelve weeks I worked, sweat, cried, pushed forward toward this goal. And I finally made it. This weekend is all a blur. Between the makeup, fake tan and rice cakes with honey, I couldn't tell Friday from today. Everything happened so fast. The week that lead up to the show I will call hell week. My mind officially shut down Thursday afternoon at 4pm as I was taking my final exam. Half of it must've still been working because I aced it. What was left to do? Another hour of cardio, then rest rest rest and pack for Friday.

Saturday morning, no sleep really, tons of nerves, hair make up done, suitcase packed ready to go. I spent alot of that morning taking deep breaths, trying to not let what was going on around me consume me. Over and over I kept thinking, you've worked so hard, do not break now. It's a hard spot to be in. I've let go of and lost a lot during this process. I lost some friends, literally had no social life, and the most excitement I had was Wednesday steak and yogurt night for the past 3 months. Although I would still be proud of how far I've come, to walk away from this empty handed would be a very hard pill to swallow. So I sat at the venue the next few hours trying ridiculously hard to stop my hands from shaking, and just calm my mind.

Finally backstage and the nerves left me. All that was left was adrenaline and so much pride. I was here. I did what I said I would do, and felt 100% ready to walk on that stage.

So, where did I end up? I wanted top 5, that was my goal. They call 5th (not me), 4th (still not me), 3rd (nope not me), 2nd Place, Contestant #83 Crystal Flores! I made it. Did I get first place? Nope, I sure didn't but I am not one bit disappointed in my placing. I went up and got everything I wanted. I reached my goal and 2nd feels so good.

So what is next for me? Well, as I said, this journey is one that doesn't end. I'll be taking a few days to rest and consider my options. I did it...

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