
Sunday, July 4, 2010

down to five

Five days left. I'm currently carb depleting, but not for very long just a couple of days. Over and over things are going through my head like what needs to be packed, what still needs to be done here, dont forget about homework. I've already started to pack my small suitcase. The one that goes with me backstage. In it so far I have my make up, needle and thread, super glue, a pack of skittles, my back up suit, tan, and rice cakes. I dont know why I need the super glue, but you never know. There are still several things that will also go in this suitcase like my shoes, my suit (which still has yet to arrive), makeup, jewelery, this is good I'm blogging about this. Now I definitely wont forget!

Its 4th of July. Most Americans are celebrating America's Independence with friends, family, at bbq's, pools, beaches (where I was last year) watching fireworks. I spent mine finishing up a leg workout followed by cardio and then rushing home to make sure I got to my meal on time. Am I missing out on life? Yes. Do I regret it? Not one bit. I'll catch up with life again really soon, for now, all I see is the next 5 days...

It will all be worth it.

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